Clary annoyed me a little in the book, but she was awesome. There were some times when I wanted to punch her (even though I cant) when She kept going to Simon. Is anyone else on Team Jace?? The ending just got me so upset, why do you have to open your mouth Jace?! But other than that I loved her.
I am desperately in love with Jace. Lord do I wish Jace was my age and in my school, ah :)
Jace is seriously my favorite character in the book, I love his humor! I hated the ending so much with what he said -.-
Go to Maia! Follow your conscience and do not go back to Clary, let her be with Jace! I was about to burst into tears when Valentine killed him, but I thought it was best if he did die. I didn't like him all that much, but I knew Clary would start grieving so I was a little happy when Jace brought him back to life.
For some reason, the way I picture Valentine is that warlock guy from Wizard 101 LOL! The one with silk hair and very skinny. I don't know, it's the way I picture him when I read.
I seriously thought he and Magnus were going to kiss in a scene and I was getting ready to gag. I thought Alec was so much cooler in this book than in the first one.
There was a lot of twists and turns in this book but it was awesome! I can;t wait to get onto Book 3 [b:City of Glass|3777732|City of Glass (The Mortal Instruments, #3)|Cassandra Clare|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1369452339s/3777732.jpg|3443248].